Here’s Our Team
We have a great group of dedicated volunteers that make Faith Baptist Church run every day. Here are our team leaders. If you’re interested in joining a team you can reach out to the people below and/or fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.

Derek Green | Deacon, Sunday School, Treasurer
A long time Deacon, the church treasurer and Sunday School Superintendent, Derek Green manages some of the critical aspects of Faith Baptist Church. Furthermore, he teaches his own adult Sunday school class every Sunday morning. He’s the best person to speak with if you’re interested in helping out with the Sunday School, or Vacation Bible School every July.

John Petrucci | Deacon, Facility & Grounds Manager
John Petrucci and his family are dedicated, long time members of Faith Baptist Church. In addition to his duties as a deacon, John is also in charge of all building and grounds projects, such as repairs, updates and maintenance. If you would like to help out with any ongoing projects or have a recommendation, please speak with John.

Jimmy Clark | Youth Pastor, Teens & Youth Group
As our Youth Pastor, Jimmy oversees our youth programs. He runs the teen Sunday school, the youth service, runs the van ministry helping dozens of kids get to church, and the Wednesday night Teens group. He oversees the media booth, responsible for filming services, the Vacation Bible School skit and the Faith Baptist Academy school. Talk to Jimmy if you’re looking to get plugged in to any of our youth programs, or if you have questions about enrolling your child.

Lorrie Petrucci | Choir, Special Music
Lorrie has her hands full coordinating the music at Faith Baptist Church. Not only does she serve as the piano player, she also coordinates the choir, kids and teen music and specials. If you love to sing or play an instrument talk to Lorrie about getting involved!

Jamie Hancock | Nursery, Toddlers
Jamie heads-up the nursery team at Faith Baptist Church. She oversees a comfortable, clean and active nursery with several dedicated helpers. They are open any time there is a church service or planned special event. People who wish to serve in the nursery should talk to Jamie or Jenn Vinci.

Nick Loeser | Website, Social Media, Kids of Faith Club
Nick is responsible for ensuring we always have fresh content for social media and the website. He is also responsible for the Wednesday night Kids of Faith program for kids (ages 5-11). If you want to get your child plugged into a great youth program, talk to Nick!